Aishwarya Rai.
Geboren in : Mangalore, Karnataka, Indien.
Geburtstag : 1.11.1973
Verheiratet seit : 20.04.2007
Mutter einer Tochter : 20.04.2007
Bekannt seit : Miss World 1994 und vielen Bollywood Filmen
Arbeitet als : Model und Schauspielerin
Ona je pobedila 1994 Miss World titelu. Od tad se kaze da je jedna od naj ljepsih zena na svjetu i pogotovu u indiju. Poznata je isto od bollywoodskih filmova. Ja pricam o onoj zeni s braun kosom i s plavim ocima Aishwarya Rai.
Aishwarya Rai.
Rodeno mesto : Mangalore, Karnataka, Indien.
Rodendan : 1.11.1973
Udata : 20.04.2007
Majka jedne cure : 16.11.2011
Poznata od : Miss World 1994 i indijski filmova
Poso : Model i glumica
She won 1994 Miss World titel and since then everybody say that she's the most beautiful women in the world and especially in India. She play in a lot of Bollywood movies. I talk about the women with brown hair and blue eyes Aishwarya Rai.
Aishwarya Rai.
Birthplace : Mangalore, Karnataka, Indien.
Birthday : 1.11.1973
Married since : 20.04.2007
Mother of a daughter : 16.11.2011
Famous since : Miss World 1994 and Bollywood movies
Job : Model and actress
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